55 years old story of Al-Fahad Shipwreck in Jeddah

If you are looking for a serene picnic location, Al Fahad Shipwreck around 100 km from Jeddah is the place to visit.

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There is a famous incident associated with Al-Fahad (previously known as Ro-Pax vessel) shipwreck explained below.

Al-Fahad Shipwreck in Jeddah

History of Al-Fahad Shipwreck

MV free enterprise III was built in 1966 which was operated on routes from Dover. It was built by I.C.H. Holland, for Townsend brother ferry service and handled by Townsend Thoresen.

  • It was a Ro-Pax that was sold to Maltese in 1984 which was renamed as Tamira.
  • Then again it was sold in 1986 to the Egyptians Sadaka shipping group.
  • The Egyptians renamed it as Al-Fahad which for 12 years served in Saudi Arabia.
  • Finally, the vessel foundered in 2004 in Jeddah due to engine problems and became Al Fahad Shipwreck.

Al-Fahad Shipwreck in Jeddah


The view of Al-Fahad Shipwreck

The wreck forms a sharp angle from the floor, grounded in reefs. It looks like a tempting spectacular site attracting divers.

Some of the remains are still intact, with corrosion and rust and the diverse marine life surrounding it with the ship side resting on port and the point facing towards the sky.

It forms a sort of home for the fish in that area which takes protection beneath it. 

Al-Fahad Shipwreck in Jeddah

Safety tips for visiting Al Fahad Shipwreck

Although swimming around the Al Fahad shipwreck area is easy, you need to take care of the following safety tips;

Al-Fahad Shipwreck in Jeddah

  • Mooring line should be followed which is basically between the wreck and dive boat, it is the safest.
  • Keep track of your location and starting point to avoid ending up on the wrong boat.
  • Wear a full-length wetsuit and get tetanus vaccines to avoid getting hurt and infection from the protruding sharp rusty edges of the wreck.
  • Be prepared and plan your dive in advance. Make sure you are comfortable and initially plan a shallow water dive for purpose of checking. Also, check the weather and climate while planning
  • Look for your safety; it is possible that the wreck may collapse suddenly.
  • Don’t touch it nor remove anything from the wreck, respect it.

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