What to do if a family visit visa expires?

If a family visit visa expires in Saudi Arabia, the visit visa holder has to pay a penalty or fine for the expiry of the visa and go through the deportation procedure to go back to the home country. 

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Visit Visa Expiry Fine

In case a visit visa holder is not able to extend a family visit visa within 3 days of its expiry, he will have to pay the following visit visa expiry fines in Saudi Arabia.

  • Fine during coronavirus pandemic: SR 400.
  • 1st Time Overstay: SR 15,000 fine + deportation.
  • 2nd Time Overstay: SR 25,000 fine + deportation.
  • 3rd Time Overstay: SR 50,000 fine + deportation + 6 months Jail.

However, in case of a medical emergency in Saudi Arabia, the visit visa expiry fine can be waived-off. – Saudi Gazette

visit visa expiry fine saudi arabia

What to do if a family visit visa expires?

In the case of the expiry of the family visit visa in Saudi Arabia, the visa holder will have to pay the fine and go through the deportation procedure.

Required Documents

  1. Original Passport of the Visit Visa holder.
  2. Original Iqama of the sponsor.
  3. Jawazat form.
  4. Passport size photograph of the visit visa holder.
  5. Letter from the doctor in case of medical emergencies.

Required Documents if family visit visa expired

Visit Jawazat

  • The next step is to visit the Jawazat office which deals with family affairs. 
  • Get the form filled by an agent sitting in front of the Jawazat offices.
  • Submit the form to the Jawazat officer who will write “Tarheel” on the application and ask you to go to the deportation center.

Visit the Deportation Center

Go to the deportation center along with the visit visa holder. They will take the fingerprints of the person who overstayed and stamp his passport.

Request to waive the fine

Now go back to the Jawazat office where the officer will impose a fine or penalty for the expired family visit visa in Saudi Arabia.

  • In case of medical emergencies supported by evidence, no fine is imposed.
  • On a simple request, the fine is reduced to SR 500 or SR 1,000.
  • Upon the payment of fine, the visa will be extended from 3 to 7 days.
  • Make sure that the visit visa holder leaves Saudi Arabia within the time provided.

what happens if a family visit visa expires

Working on a Family Visit Visa

It is strictly not allowed to work on a family visit visa in Saudi Arabia. If someone is caught, a heavy fine is imposed on 3 people.

  • Heavy fine + deportation for the visa holder.
  • Heavy fine on the sponsor Iqama holder.
  • Heavy fine on the employer.

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