Why did 1,300 pilgrims die during Hajj this year?

Imam Sudais has explained the high number of deaths among Muslim pilgrims during the recent Hajj season was caused by following Fatwas from unauthorized sources.

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Many pilgrims who died during the last Hajj season did not have Hajj permits because they followed fatwas from unreliable sources. – Imam Sudais.

He emphasized the importance of seeking fatwas from authorized scholars and avoiding what he called “abnormal” religious decrees.

Sheikh Abdul Reham Al Sudais

The Hajj that took place in June in Makkah coincided with scorching heat. Saudi Arabia reported that over 1,300 pilgrims, mostly undocumented, died after trekking for long distances under the sun.

They had no transport arrangements to move from Mina to Arafat to Muzdalifah and decided to walk through this.

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Saudi authorities have emphasized that a Hajj visa is necessary for the pilgrimage and have taken action against counterfeit tour operators. A visit visa does not grant permission to undertake the holy journey.

Source: Gulf News

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