How to transfer Zain Balance to Pakistan, India, Philippines?

Now you can transfer credit/load from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, India, the Philippines, and many other countries using Zain international balance transfer service. In this article, we have explained the procedure.

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Zain International Balance Transfer Service

In order to transfer Zain balance to Pakistan, India, the Philippines or any other country, dial the following code;

zain balance transfer to pakistan

  • *111*mobile number of the recipient*amount#
  • Reply with “1” to confirm the amount of transfer.
  • A few moments later, the following message will appear on your screen. “Thank you. We are currently processing your request. A confirmation SMS will be sent to you when we are done.

After a few minutes, you will receive an SMS from Zain that your transaction has been successful and the mentioned account has been topped up with the amount.

Zain international balance transfer successful

However, in case of insufficient balance, the system will send you an SMS that you don’t have the required balance.

zain international balance transfer

Zain balance transfer to Pakistan

  • Dial: *111*Pakistani Number*Amount#
  • Example: *111*00923101716889*2#
  • Reply with “1” to confirm the amount of transfer.

zain balance transfer to Pakistan

Zain balance transfer to India

  • Dial: *111*Indian Number*Amount#
  • Example: *111*00914428482069*2#
  • Reply with “1” to confirm the amount of transfer.

Send Zain load to the Philippines

  • Dial: *111*Philippines Number*Amount#
  • Example: *111*0063999221626*2#
  • Reply with “1” to confirm the amount of transfer.

If you are looking for a procedure to transfer balance from Zain to Zain, you should check this link. Recommended: How to transfer balance from Zain to Zain?

Terms and Conditions

  • The credit transfer service is available for prepaid customers only.
  • For sharing balance, one must have sufficient credit in their account.
  • Zain International Balance transfer limit:
    • Minimum Balance transfer in one transaction: SR 2.
    • Minimum Balance transfer in one transaction: SR 50.
    • Maximum balance transfer in a day: SR 150.
    • Maximum balance transfer in a month: SR 450.
  • There is no tariff charged for international balance transfer from Zain.

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