List of banned video games in Saudi Arabia

Video games pose a significant influence upon the behavior of children. There is a high risk that bad games may instill wrong kind of emotions in children and manipulate their young minds. Therefore, there is a list of video games which are banned in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi General Commission of Audio-Visual media took the decision of banning a long list of video games after the news surfaced that many children have taken their lives playing Blue Whale game.

List of banned video games in Saudi Arabia

List of banned video games in Saudi Arabia

This is the list of video games banned in Saudi Arabia; 

1- 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand.

2- Agents of Mayhem.

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4- Assassins Creed 2.

5- Assassin’s Creed II.

6- Attack on titan 2.

7- Bayonetta 2.

8- Clash of The Titans.

9- Dante’s Inferno.

10- ​Dante’s Inferno.

11- Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse.

12- Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition.

13- Deadpool.

14- Deception IV : The Nightmare Princess.

15- Deception IV Nightmare Princess.

16- Deus Ex Mankind Divided.


18- Devils Third.


20- Dishonored Definitive Edition.

21- DmC – Definitive edition.

22- DMC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition.

23- Dragon Age: Inquisition.

24- Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen.

25- Draw to Death.

26- Fable.

27- Fallout 4.

28- Far Cry.

29- Final Fantasy Dissidia.

30- Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.

31- Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster.

32- Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2.

33- God of War.

34- God of War 1.

35- God of War 2.

36- God of War 3.

37- Grand Theft Auto.

38- Grand Theft Auto V.

39- Guild Wars 2 Heart.

40- Guitar Hero Live.

41- Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition GOTY.

42- Heavy Rain.

43- Hitman.

44- Hitman: Absolution (2012).

45- Home World Remastered Collection.

46- Homefront.

47- Life is Strange.

48- Mafia 2.

49- Mafia 3.

50- Mafia II.

51- Metal Gear Solider The Phantom Pain.

52- Metro Redux.

53- Might & Magic Heroes VII.

54- Mortal Kombat X.

55- Ninja Gaiden 3.

56- Okami.


58- Past Cure.

59- Payday 2.


61- Red Dead Redemption.

62- Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare.

63- Resident Evil 5.

64- Resident Evil 6.

65- Resistance 2.

66- Resistance 3.

67- Saints Row.

68- Saints Row IV.

69- Samurai Warriors 4-II.

70- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker.

71- Sleeping Dogs.

72- Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition.

73- SplatterHouse.

74- Street Fighter 30th  Anniversary.

75- Street Fighter V.

76- The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited.

77- The Last of US.

78- The Nonary Game.

79- The Order 1886.

80- The Order: 1886.

81- The Saboteur.

82- The Walking Dead Season Two.

83- The Witcher.

84- The Witcher 3.

85- Thief.

86- UFC 2.

87- Vampyr.

88- Watch Dogs.

89- Wolfenstein 2.

90- Wolfenstein: The New Order.

91- Worms Global Worming.

92- Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z.

93- Yo Kai Watch.


Source1: GCAM.

Source2: Gulf News

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