In order to avoid paying the delivery fee on your Noon orders, you can always select the Noon Locker and get the items delivered there free of cost.
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How to select Noon locker?
In order to select Noon Locker to avoid paying the delivery charges;
- Open the Noon Application through PlayStore or iTunes.
- Log in to your Noon account.
- Click on the “Account” tab.
- Select the “Address” option.
- Click on the “Add a New Address” button.
- Now switch on the button showing Noon Lockers and Pickup points.
You will start seeing different Noon Lockers;
- Click on the desired Noon Locker.
- Write your Name and Phone Number.
- Select “Save Address“.
- That’s it, your Noon Locker is successfully selected.
Now you can order anything from Noon and get it delivered to the Non-Locker to avoid the delivery fee.
Collect order from Noon Locker
Soon you will receive a message that your order is ready to be collected from the Noon Locker.
- Visit the location of Noon Locker.
- Google Maps Location is given in the SMS.
- Enter the PIN Code given in the SMS.
- The Noon Locker will open up, you can collect your order.
- You will have only 5 days to collect the order.
- If the order is not collected, the amount would be refunded.
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