What is electricity voltage in Saudi Arabia?

While coming to Saudi Arabia, you must be thinking about how much is the electricity voltage in the country? Is it 110, 220, or 230?

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Electricity Voltage in old buildings

In the buildings constructed before 2012, you will find an electricity voltage of 110 / 220 V and the frequency is 60 Hz.

Generally, fans and fixed equipment are running at 110V while microwave ovens, refrigerators, TV, vacuum cleaners, and ACs are running at 220V.

electricity voltage in Saudi Arabia


Electricity Voltage in New Buildings

In the buildings which are constructed after 2012, the electricity voltage is 220V. In case you are shifting from an old building to a new one, some of your electrical appliances would not work in the new accommodation.

Electrical Appliances

A long time ago, electrical appliances were available both with 110 and 220 voltage. However, now all the appliances available in the market are 220V.

In case you are buying a used appliance from someone in Saudi Arabia, make sure that they meet the electricity voltage requirement of your house.

Saudi Arabia is moving towards 230V

The Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. 324 dated 20/9/1431 H was released stating the agreement on a gradual plan for changing the voltage of electricity distribution in residential and commercial areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the present 127/220 volts to international standard voltage of 230/400 volts.

The change to the new voltage in the existing areas will take place within a period of (25) years from the date of the resolution’s effective date. This period is divided into two stages; a preparatory stage of 10 years and 15 years implementation stage.

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