How to change password for Mobily Wifi and Router?

You can change the Mobily username and password of the wifi, 4G or 5G modem, or router very easily through IP address.

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Change the password of Mobily Router

In order to change the username and password of Mobily modem/router;

  • Connect the Mobily Wifi.
  • Open the IP address through Google Chrome. 
  • Enter the username: “admin”.
  • Enter the password: “admin”.

The username and password of Mobily routers is “admin” unless you have changed it yourself.

A new page will open with different options where you need to;

  • Click on the “Management” button.

Change the password of Mobily RouterA new page will open where you will be required to;

  • Click on “Account”.
  • Enter the new router username and password in order to change it.
  • Click on the “Apply” button.

Change the password of Mobily RouterChange the Mobily Wifi password

In order to change Mobily wifi username and password, you need to;

  • Connect with Mobily Wifi.
  • Open the IP address
  • Login to your account.
  • Select “Wifi”.

Change the Mobily Wifi password

  • Select “Multiple SSID”.
  • Network Name (SSID): Enter the name of the Wifi.
  • Enter the Mobily Wifi password in front of “Key Pass Phrase”.
  • Click on the “Apply” button.
  • Now connect all your devices with the Mobily router using the new password.

Change the Mobily Wifi passwordIn case you face any difficulty in changing it, you can drop a comment below.

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