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You can check the family visit visa status online on the MOFA, Saudi Arabia website with the visa application number. Here is the procedure to do it.
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How to find the application number?
The application number was generated by the MOFA at the moment you submitted the application for the family visit visa.
If the application number is lost, call the MOFA office on this number 0114067777 and tell them your Iqama number, they will find the application number for you.
Check family visit visa status
Now go to the MOFA website and select the English language.
- Inquiry Type: Application Number.
- Enter the application number.
- ID Number: Iqama Number.
- Enter the captcha code.
- Click on the “Search” button.
Not submitted to COC
If you find the message while checking the family visit visa status “طلبات الزيارة المصدقة إلكترونيا من أحد القنوات المعتمدة“, it means that your employer has not yet attested the application with the chamber of commerce. Your application will be submitted to the MOFA once it is attested by the chamber of commerce.
Submitted to the COC
After submitting the application to the chamber of commerce, the family visit visa status will start showing the name of the chamber of commerce where it is submitted.
Demand under the measure
Sometimes, when people see the message “Demand under the measure“, they feel their family visit visa application has been rejected.
The actual meaning of the “demand under the measure” is that the application is under approval or in process. You must sit tight and wait for the family visit visa application to be approved.
Visit Visa Approved
If the message appears“Please provide the person required to visit with the document number to complete the visa procedure from the relevant Kingdom missions through the approved centers and after meeting all the requirements.” it means that your visa has been approved by the MOFA.
Now you can send the PDF copy of this document to your home country to process the visa. In Pakistan, you might need to book an Etimad Appointment.
Application under process
If the message لطلب تحت الاجراء appears while checking the family visit visa status on the MOFA website, it means that your application is under process.
- لطلب تحت الاجراء: Under process.
No Results Found
- لم يتم العثور على اي نتائج، يرجى التاكد من البيانات المدخلة: No results found, please check the entered data.
If the above-mentioned message appears while checking the family visit visa status after entering the application number on the MOFA website, it means that you either have entered the wrong information or your application has been deleted by the MOFA.
Visit Visa Rejected
If the following message appears while checking the family visit visa status, it means that your visa is rejected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- تعتذر الوزارة عن تحقيق الطلب: The ministry apologizes for the requested demand.
- The Ministry hopes to submit a new electronically certified application after verifying the validity of the relationship to the requested person. Greetings! – Make sure you are describing the relationship correctly in Arabic.
- 5 reasons for Saudi Family Visit Visa Rejection
We hope to record the data with all accuracy, our best regard: It means that your visit visa application has been rejected for entering inaccurate data. They will mention in the brackets the data wrongly entered.
For example, in the below screenshot the TITLE was wrongly entered. You need to apply again.
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