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After the final exit visa is issued, you can check and print it on paper online from Absher, the MOL website, or by visiting the Jawazat office.
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Check Final exit Visa – MOL
To check the final exit visa status on the MOL website.
- Open the MOL website:
- Enter the Iqama number.
- Enter the border number or passport number if the Iqama has not yet been issued.
- Enter the captcha code.
The next screen will show you the final exit visa status. Here is the meaning of the two messages which may appear;
- علي رأس العمل: The final exit is not yet issued.
- خروج نهائي: Final Exit is issued.
- You can print this page on paper or download it as proof of the final exit visa.
Check Final exit Visa with Absher
To check the final exit visa status through the Absher account;
- Log in to Absher
- Click on the three lines in the upper right corner.
- Select “Dashboard” from the drop-down list.
- Click on “More Details“.
Scroll down until you see Visa Information. If you find “Final” written below Visa Class, the final exit visa has been issued.
- You can print this page as proof of the final exit visa.
Print final exit for dependents.
If you want to print or download your dependents’ final exit visa, you can do it through Absher.
Remember that you can get a copy of the passport for the dependents still residing in KSA. Once they leave the country, you must visit Jawazat for the final exit visa paper (explained below).
- Log in to Absher:
- Click on the “Family Members” tab.
- Select “Visa Services” from the given options.
- Click on the “Next” button.
On the next screen, locate the dependent and click “More Details.”
A drop-down information tab will appear with the option to print a visa. Click the “Print Visa” button for the final exit visa paper.
Print final exit paper from Jawazat
Although it is written on the Jawazat website that you don’t need to print a final exit visa, we have learned that the Saudi embassy requires its paper when you try to enter Saudi Arabia on a new visa.
Employees: An employee who has already left Saudi Arabia can request the GRO of his old company to collect a final exit visa paper from Jawazat.
Dependent: In the case of dependents, the head of the family can visit any Jawazat office with an appointment to get the final exit visa paper for the dependents.
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