16 things to do before final exit from Saudi Arabia

Before requesting your sponsor to issue a final exit visa from Saudi Arabia, you must do certain things. Some of these things are mandatory for the final exit procedure, as Saudi law requires, while others are optional.

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Things to do before the final exit

Mandatory things

Before asking your employer in Saudi Arabia to issue a final exit visa, you must do all the below-mentioned things;

1- The payment of the dependent fee is for 60 days from the date of the issuance of the final exit visa.

2- Resignation with an appropriate notice period.

3- Pay all traffic violation fines.

4- Sell your vehicle or transfer its ownership.

5- Sell the real estate property in your name.

Optional things

Your final exit visa can be issued if you perform the abovementioned mandatory steps. However, doing the following before requesting a final exit from Saudi Arabia is better.

6- Get the police clearance certificate from Saudi Arabia.

7- Get the End of Service Benefits and transfer them to your bank account in your home country.

Things to do after the final exit

Once the final exit is issued, don’t leave Saudi Arabia unless you have done all the following things;

8- Get all the documents issued by any government department in Saudi Arabia attested by MOFA and then your embassy/consulate.

9- Get all the educational documents issued by any Saudi school or university attested by MOFA and then your embassy/consulate.

10- Pay off all postpaid internet/mobile bills/electricity bills. Although Saudi Gazette has published that Jawazat has linked the issuance of the final exit with the settlement of all dues, it is not yet implemented.

11- Cancel your Ejar contract. If you want to continue the lease, you can pay the landlord for some months, and he will not cancel the lease.

12- Disconnect postpaid Mobile/Landline and Internet Connection.

13- Pay off loans and credit card bills. Read: Final Exit with an unpaid loan

14- Close your bank account before leaving Saudi Arabia on the final exit.

15- The flights normally allow 46 Kg of luggage per passenger, so it is better to use cargo service to send your belongings from Saudi Arabia.

16- Get the transfer of residence letter from your embassy or consulate.

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