Can we get final exit with a car on lease?

Many expats buy a car on lease while living in Saudi Arabia. They want to know if they can get a final exit visa from Saudi Arabia while they have taken a car on lease from a bank or any other company.

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Status of the car on the lease

The car on lease is actually co-owned by the bank and the expatriate. You can check it from your Absher account.

  • Login to Absher account
  • Click on the “Authorization” option.
  • Select the option “Vehicles I’m Authorized For“.
  • Select View: Active Co-Owned Vehicles.
  • If there are any cars under the co-ownership, it would be reflected here.

final exit with car leaseFinal exit with the car on lease

As the car on lease is co-owned by the bank and the expat, you cannot get a final exit without removing it from your name. There are two options available.

Settle it with the bank

The easier but expensive option is to visit the bank and tell them that you want to make a final settlement. They will calculate the payable amount after incorporating many hidden charges and penalties.

Once you pay for this amount, the car on lease would be removed from your Absher account and you would be able to get a final exit visa.

Look for a buyer

The other option is to look for a buyer of the leased car, he will transfer the car in his name and continue paying the rest of the installments and dues. It is a better approach as you might ask for some money from the buyer for the installments paid by you.

Once the car on lease is transferred to someone else name, you can get a final exit visa.

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