What is Sponsor ID?
Sponsor ID is a 10-digit unique number given to a business by the Ministry of Labor for the identification of the sponsor in Saudi Arabia. You can check it through Absher as well as the MOFA website. It is required for;
Check Sponsor ID through Absher
In order to check the sponsor name through Absher;
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- Log in to your Absher account https://www.absher.sa/
- Click on 3 dots just beside your name.
- Select “Dashboard” from the drop-down list.
- A new page will open where you need to click on the “More Details“.
- Scroll down until you find the “sponsor name” on Absher.
- Just below this, you can find the “Sponsor ID” number.
In case you find out that the sponsor name has changed in the Absher account, it also means that your Iqama transfer has been successfully completed.
Sponsor ID of Dependents
A dependent of the Iqama holder does not have to follow this process to check the sponsor number. The Iqama number of his/her guardian is the sponsor number.
Check Sponsor ID through MOFA
The second way to check the Sponsor number is a bit lengthy one that requires you to open the MOFA website. In order to do it;
- Activate Nafath app.
- Open this website https://visa.mofa.gov.sa/Account/
- Click on the “Login” button.
- Enter your Iqama Number.
- Open the Nafath app and approve the Sign in.
On the next page, you will be given many options out of which you need to select;
- Family Visit Visa Application for Residents.
On the next page, the MOFA website will fetch your details from where you can check your Sponsor ID and the Sponsor name too.
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