How long is the Huroob ban in Saudi Arabia?

Every expat wants to know after how many years of the ban he can come back to Saudi Arabia if the employer sets Huroob against his Iqama. The time duration of the ban depends upon the type of Huroob.

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Types of Huroob

Huroob means that you ran away from your sponsor and he reports to the government that his employee is absent from work and no more his responsibility. There are two types of Huroob;

  1. Type 1: The employer sets Huroob when the employee remains absent from work.
  2. Type 2: The Ministry of Interior sets Huroob when an employee does not return on an exit re-entry visa.

Huroob ban in Saudi Arabia

Type 1: Duration of Ban – Employer sets Huroob

As per Article 8 of Saudi Deportation Law, anyone who is deported from Saudi Arabia after Huroob will have to face a lifetime ban from re-entering the country. Can they enter on any other type of visa? Here are the details.

  • Work Visa: Not Allowed.
  • Hajj Visa:  Not Allowed.
  • Umrah Visa:  Not Allowed.
  • Permanent Family Visa: Not Allowed.
  • Family Visit Visa: Not Allowed.
  • Business Visa: Not Allowed.
  • Source: Urdu News

Type 2: Not returning on Exit Reentry Visa

If the Huroob is set by the Ministry of Interior for not returning back to Saudi Arabia on an exit re-entry visa, the duration of the ban is 3 years.

Can a deported expat go to other GCC countries?

An expat who is deported from Saudi Arabia due to issues such as working illegally, overstaying the Iqama validity, etc can go to any other GCC country for work.

However, if an expat is deported from Saudi Arabia due to a criminal offense, he would not be able to enter any other GCC country. All the GCC countries share the fingerprints data of criminals with each other.

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