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In any dispute between an employee and an employer, you can file an online complaint with Maktab Amal/labor courts in Saudi Arabia.
Mostly, following cases become the reason for filing online complaints with Saudi Labor Court;
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- End of Service Benefits.
- Unfair Termination under Article 77 of Saudi Labor Law.
- Delay in Salaries.
Setting Huroob during labor case
Transferring your Iqama before filing the complaint in Maktab Amal is always better. Be noted that employers cannot set huroob to employees in the following cases;
- Expat employee has filed a labor case against the employer.
- Expat’s Iqama or work permit has expired.
- Source: Saudi Gazette
Create a MOL account.
In case of any dispute with the employer, you need to file an online complaint to the labor court in Saudi Arabia.
- Create an MOL account on the Ministry website.
- Open
- Log in to your account.
- Click on the icon just beside your name.
- Select “بوابة الافراد” from the drop-down menu.
- On the next page, select “Case Management“.
Filing an online complaint
On this page, you must carefully fill out a lengthy form to file an online complaint against your Kafeel in Saudi Labor Courts.
Step 1: Plaintiff Data
The MOL system will fetch your name and Iqama number while you have to enter/select the following;
- صفة المدعي: أصيل
- اللغة الام للمدعي = Mother Tongue.
- اقرب مكتب عمل لآخر مقر عمل = The nearest labor office to your employer’s workplace.
- عامل منزلي = Domestic Worker.
- عامل = Normal Worker.
Step 2: Plaintiff Address
Now enter your address information in this way;
- منطقة = Province i.e. Makkah, Tabuk etc.
- مدينة = City.
- حى = District.
- شارع = Street.
- رقم المبنى = Building Number.
- الرمز البريدي = Postal Code.
Step 3: Defendant’s Data
On the next page, you must enter the employer’s details against whom you want to file a Maktab Amal complaint.
- نوع المدعي عليه: جهات غير حكومية
- اسم المنشأة: Select the Kafeel Name to file the case.
- Enter the Address of the Kafeel.
Step 4: Employment Information
At this stage of filing an online legal complaint against you in the labor court in Saudi Arabia, enter your employment information;
- نوع الأجر: Monthly = شهريا
- نوع العقد: Fixed Term Contract = محدد المدة
- الراتب الحالي: Gross Salary.
- تاريخ العقد: Date of start of the contract.
- تاريخ انتهاء العقد: Contract Expiry Date.
- ما زال على رأس العمل: Are you still on the job?
- السبب: Select the correct reason.
- تاريخ اخر يوم عمل: Last day on the Job.
Step 5: Case Details
Now you must select the type of case you want to file against your employer/Kafeel in the labor court. Make sure to choose the main and sub-categories according to the subject of the complaint.
- الفئه الرئيسية: Main Category.
- الفئة الفرعية: Sub-Category.
- Add other required details.
Step 6: Upload Documents
At this stage, you must attach all the documents required by the Labor court portal and any other additional documents that can help your case.
Step 7: Sign the Acknowledge
Before submitting the online complaint to the Saudi Labor Court, the portal would request you to sign an acknowledgment that if any of the information provided in this application is incorrect, you would be penalized by the court.
Step 8: Submit the Complaint
After signing the acknowledgment, the last step is to submit the online complaint to the Saudi labor court. Within a few days of submitting the complaint, you will get an SMS for the first hearing in the friendly settlement court.
Friendly Settlement Court
The friendly settlement court will decide the case within 21 days.
- If you and your employer agree on a friendly settlement, the case will be dismissed, and you will receive the settlement.
- The case will be referred to the labor courts if no friendly settlement is made.
First Instance Courts
At this step, First Instance Courts will hear your complaint filed to the labor office.
The process at this stage is not time-bound. It may finish in the first hearing or take several months, depending on the case’s complexity and how busy the assigned court is.
There will be several hearings, and after this, the decision will be made by the labor courts.
Najiz case
If any parties are unsatisfied with the decision made by the first instance court, they can file a case on the Najiz platform within 30 days.
Enforcement Courts
If the payment is not made per the court’s decision, you must file a case with the enforcement or implementation courts in Saudi Arabia on the Najiz platform.
After completion of execution, if the company is unable to pay the dues as the company operations are closed, you have to add the owner of the company in person as a legal representative in the same lawsuit. In order to do that, you must have
Once the execution court approves and adds the owner of the company, then the execution court issues a travel ban on him.
Just wait for 7 days, and after that, request to block all the accounts of the legal representative (owner of the company) in the same lawsuit. The court blocks all the accounts until the payment of all the dues.
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