Ethq Well in Madina

Ethq Well بئر عذق is the place where Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه sat for a while and drank water when he visited Madina for the first time after Hijrah.

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Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه took some rest in the garden nearby Ethq Well. When the sun was shining bright in the day, Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه made shade for him.

Ethq Well - historical place to visit in Madina

The people of Madinah were overjoyed when they were informed that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is coming to Madinah. They came out to meet him and in their excitement and joy started celebrating.

Ethq Well in Madina

The people of Madinah especially the tribes of Al-Aws and Khazraj gathered at the Well of Ethiq to meet and receive Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions.

Ethq Well in Madina

The people of Madinah then greeted the Prophet PBUH with fresh water and gifts.

  • Ethq Well Location.
  • Ethq Well Entry Ticket: SR 10/person.

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