Jeddah Court ordered a Saudi husband to pay traffic fines worth SR 20,000, which was initially imposed on the name of his former wife.
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Filing the case in the court
The court discovered that the ex-husband committed the traffic violation while the wife owned the car. The woman was innocent; thus, she filed the case claiming that her ex-husband had violated traffic regulations and was the true awardee of the fine.
The woman proved in court that the vehicle was registered in her name, but her husband was using the car and violating the traffic rules, which resulted in hefty fines.
Evidence presented in the court
Her evidence included a witness, a previous driving authorization in the defendant’s name, and WhatsApp conversations showing that the violator was her ex-husband.
During the session, the plaintiff produced all the evidence which proved that she was not guilty of the violations.
The verdict of the court
Thus, after carefully reviewing all the evidence, the Traffic Law, and its executive regulations, the fines were transferred to the actual violator, her ex-husband, and he will have to pay the penalties.
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