How to transfer balance from Zain to Zain?

Now you can transfer a balance or share credit from one Zain number to another Zain number through the balance transfer code. In this article, we have explained the procedure in detail.

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Transfer a balance from Zain

In order to transfer SR 50 from one Zain number to another one, follow the following steps.

  • Compose a new “text message”.
  • Type “BT (space) recipient number (space) amount.
  • Send it to 702702.
  • Example: write “BT 0591234567 50” and send it to 702702.

Transfer balance from Zain to Zain

Receive a balance from Zain

The recipient of the balance will receive an SMS from Zain to inform him that some amount of the balance has been shared to his Zain number from another zain number.

In order to complete the transaction, he or she will have to send an SMS to 702702 with the following zain balance transfer code;

  • Write a new “text message”.
  • Type “ID (space) Iqama Number
  • Send it to 702702.
  • Example:  write “ID 2263321555” and send it to 702702.

Transfer balance from Zain to Zain

Terms and Conditions

There are certain rules which must be followed by those who want to avail the service;

  1. You can share a maximum credit of SR 50 from Zain to Zain.
  2. A minimum amount of credit of SR 10 can be shared from Zain to Zain.
  3. You cannot transfer a bonus balance from Zain to Zain.
  4. Receiving a transfer of balance has no effect on the validity of a prepaid number.

Transfer internet data from Zain to Zain

Many people want to know if it is allowed to transfer internet data from one Zain number to another Zain number.

Well, unfortunately, currently you are not allowed to share internet data from zain to zain. If the company gives such an option in the future, we will surely let you know.

Sharing Zain balance to Mobily or STC

Some people are also keen to know if it is possible to share credit from Zain to Mobily or STC. Well, these companies do not have an agreement to allow people to transfer a balance from one operator to another. In other words, you cannot transfer credit from Zain to Mobily or STC.

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