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Wearing a silver ring is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ but does Islam allow us to wear Aqeeq or Abyssinian stone in it? Which stones Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to wear and in which finger? Are there any rules of wearing an Aqeeq stone?
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Rules of wearing an Aqeeq stone
Aqeeq stone is neither recommended nor forbidden in Islam. Many people ask about the rules for wearing an Aqeeq stone in the ring as per Islam.
- The stone you are wearing should be the original one.
- Aqeeq stone should touch your skin.
- Being a Muslim, have a belief that it is neither good nor bad for you.
- Wear it with the silver ring only.
- Wear the Aqeeq stone ring in your left little finger.
Wearing a silver ring is a Sunnah
There are many hadiths that warrant that wearing a silver ring is a Sunnah in Islam and hence has many benefits. However, wearing a gold ring is Haram in Islam.
- The ring of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was of silver. – Sahih al-Bukhari 5870
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ forbade the wearing of a gold ring. – Sahih al-Bukhari 5864
Which stone Prophet Muhammad used to wear?
Wearing gemstones with the belief that they have the power to change anything in your life is truly forbidden in Islam. Here is the list of Islamic stones that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ wore in his rings;
- Silver Stone: The ring of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was of silver, and its stone was of silver too. – Sahih al-Bukhari 5870
- Abyssinian stone: The signet-ring of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was of silver with an Abyssinian stone. – Sunan Abi Dawud 4216
- Fass: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ put on a ring of silver with an Ethiopian stone (Fass) – Sunan an-Nasa’i 5279
- Wahinah: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ forbids wearing the wahinah stone in the ring. – Sunan Ibn Majah 3531
- Red Al-Mayathir: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ forbade red Al-Mayathir, and gold rings. Sunan an-Nasa’i 5185
Benefits of wearing a silver ring in Islam
Every act of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has some rationale behind it. Although I am not able to list down the scientific benefits of wearing a silver ring, there are Islamic benefits.
- If you love to wear a ring but you avoid a gold ring, you are fearing Allah.
- Wearing a silver ring is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and if someone wears it for the same reason, he will be rewarded.
- Wearing Islamic stones in the silver ring is another Sunnah.
On which finger to wear a ring in Islam?
There are some hadith providing guidelines on which finger should you wear a ring as per Islam.
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ forbade Ali رضي الله عنه me to wear a ring on the middle finger and the one next to it. – Sunan an-Nasa’i 5287
- According to Anas رضي الله عنه, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to wear ring in his left little finger. – Sunan an-Nasa’i 5285
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