List of Mahram relations in Islam

A Mahram is a person who is allowed by Islam to stay with a woman without any need for cover of the veil. There is a specific list of relations considered Mahram for a woman.

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Who is a Non-Mahram?

In simple language, all those people you are allowed to marry are your Non-Mahram relations, such as cousins, brother-in-law, etc.

Conversely, all those relations you cannot marry in your entire life, such as your father-in-law + those you have already married, are your Mahram relations.

There are 3 kinds of Mahram relations in Islam for both men and women;

  1. Mahram relations by Blood.
  2. Mahram relations by Marriage.
  3. Mahram relations by Breastfeeding.

Mahram relations by Blood

Following is the list of Mahram relations by blood as a woman is not required to cover herself in front of them as per Islam.

  1. Your descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren).
  2. Your ascendants (Parents, Grandparents, great-grandparents).
  3. Descendants of your parents (Brother, Sister, half-brother, Half-Sister, children of your brothers, sisters, half-brothers, and half-sisters).
  4. The first generation of your grandparents (Father’s brothers and sisters including half-brothers and half-sisters, mother’s brothers and sisters including half-brothers and half-sisters).

Mahram relationships by Marriage

Here is the list of Mahram relations by marriage;

  1. Husband/Wife.
  2. Ancestors of your Husband/Wife (father-in-law, mother-in-law,  grandparents, and great-grandparents of your Husband or Wife).
  3. Husband/Wife of your Descendants (Son-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law, Husband, and Wife of your grandchildren).
  4. Husband/Wife of your Ancestors (Mother’s Husband, Father’s Wife, Husband of grandmother, wife of grandfather).
  5. Decedents of your Husband (stepson, stepdaughter).

List of Mahram relations in Islam

Mahram Relations by Breastfeeding

If a woman has breastfed you while you were an infant, all her children become your Mahram, and you cannot marry them. Here is a list of Mahram relations by Breastfeeding.

  1. If you are breastfed within 2.5 years of age by any woman, she is your mahram.
  2. All her children are your Mahram.
  3. All the children who are breastfed by the same lady within 2.5 years.

List of Non-Mahram relationships

All the relations except the ones that have been given above are non-Mahram relations. A woman is required to veil in front of them. For your convenience, we have listed down some general non-mahram relationships below.

  • Brother-in-Law.
  • Sister-in-Law.
  • Husband of your mother’s sister.
  • Wife of your mother’s brother.
  • Husband of your father’s sister.
  • Wife of your father’s brother.
  • Your Cousin.
  • Cousins of Spouse.

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