There are around 124,000 Sahaba Rasool ﷺ and the last Sahabi to die was Abu Tufail ‘Amr ibn Wathila al-Leethi رضي الله عنه.
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Criteria to be called a Sahabi Rasool
A sahabi is a person;
- who believed in the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
- who saw/met with the Prophet and;
- who died as a Muslim.
His meeting with Prophet Muhammad
Abu Tufail ‘Amr ibn Wathila al-Leethi رضي الله عنه saw Prophet Muhammad ﷺ during the last Hajj when he was only 8 years old. He explained his love for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ at that time as the love of mother of Musa for Prophet Musa عليه السلام.
Death of Abu Tufail
Although historians are in a conflict on the exact year when the last Sahabi die, it is assured that his death occurred after 100 Hijri.
- Khaleefah stated that he lived past the year 100 AH.
- Mus’ab ibn ‘Abdullah az Zubayree said that he died in the year 102 AH.
- Ibn Hibbaan, ibn Qaani’, and Abu Zakariyyah ibn Mandah stated that he died in the year 107 AH.
- Wahb ibn Jareer ibn Hazim narrated that he saw a Janaza in 110 AH in Makkah, he was told that it was the Janaza of Abu Tufail ‘Amr ibn Wathila al-Leethi رضي الله عنه.
- He was buried in Jannat ul Muallah.
He was the last sahabi to die
Sa’id al-Jariri said: ‘I heard Abu Tufail say: “I saw Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and there is no one left on the face of the earth who has seen him, apart from me.” I said: “Describe him for me!” He said: “He was white, handsome, of medium size.” – Ash-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyah 14
The last Sahabi to die before Abu Tufail was Anas Ibn Malik who passed away in 93 AH.
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