People working in the Oil and Gas sector want to know what is the salary of workers in this industry in Saudi Arabia.
1- Average Salary of an oil rig worker in Saudi Arabia is SR 4,500/month.
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2- The Salary of Oilwell Pumper is SR 11,000/month.
3- Average Salary of Exploration Manager is SR 11,800/month.
4- The Salary of Laboratory Analyst is SR 12,000/month.
5- Average Salary of Radio Operator is SR 13,000/month.
6- The Salary of Mine Engineer in Saudi Arabia is SR 14,698/month.
7- Average Salary of Estimator is SR 16,000/month.
8- The Salary of Fuels Handler is SR 16,475/month.
9- Average Salary of Lab Manager is SR 17,000/month.
10- The Salary of Process Technician is SR 18,000/month.
11- Average Salary of Petroleum Geologist in Saudi Arabia is SR 18,000/month.
12- The Salary of Gas Supply Manager is SR 19,750/month.
13- Average Salary of Power Plant Operations Manager is SR 20,529/month.
14- The Salary of Pipeline Technician is SR 20,608/month.
15- Average Salary of Electric and Gas Operations Manager is SR 23,658/month.
16- The Salary of Associate Analyst in Saudi Arabia is SR 24,600/month.
17- Average Salary of Team Leader is SR 26,344/month.
18- The Salary of Reservoir Engineer is SR 27,975/month.
19- Average Salary of Geologist is SR 32,320/month.
20- The Salary of Geophysicist is SR 50,000/month.
21- Average Salary of NDT Technician is SR 10,380/month.
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