How to check border number in Saudi Arabia?

There are 2 ways to check the border number or رقم الحدود online in Saudi Arabia i.e. query border number and the Absher account.

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What is the Border Number?

The Saudi immigration authorities assign a 10-digits unique number to every passport holder who enters on a new visa to Saudi Arabia that is called a border number or رقم الحدود

Normally, Saudi Immigration authorities write this number on the passport of the visa holder by hand as shown below.

Border Number on the Passport

Query border number

You need the following two details to run the query to check this  number in Saudi Arabia;

  • Visa Number.
  • Visa Issue Date.

How to find saudi visa numberOnce you have these details;

The system will display the name and the border number of the visa holder on your screen.

Query border number

Check Border Number through Absher

To check this number for visit visa holders;

  • Log in to Absher account
  • Click on the “Family Services” tab.
  • Select the “Extend Visit Visa” option.
  • Click on the “Continue” button.

Check Border Number for a Visit Visa Holder

On this page, you would be able to find the border number for the visit visa holders among the other details.

how to check border number

Why do we need it?

You might be thinking why do we need the رقم الحدود in Saudi Arabia? You need it for many purposes out of which some of them have been listed below.

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