Procedure to get new family iqama for dependents

Once your family arrives in Saudi Arabia on a permanent family visa, you need to follow the procedure to apply for a new Iqama for all your dependents. 

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Required Documents

Make one PDF file of all the below-mentioned documents required in the family iqama procedure for all your dependents after they arrive in Saudi Arabia;

  1. Separate Iqama form for each dependent.
  2. Medical insurance is from the same company as the family head.
  3. Pay the Dependent Fee. The stay for the first 90 days is free, after that you need to pay the dependent fee at SR 400/dependent/month.
  4. Digital Iqama + Passport copy of the sponsor.
  5. Pictures of each dependent. 
  6. Passport copies of the dependents.
  7. Saudi Visa copies of dependents.
  8. Passport page with the arrival stamp.
  9. The passport page is where the border number is written.

Required documents to get family iqama for dependentsIt is worth noting that there is no dependent fee for the first 90 days of family members’ arrival in Saudi Arabia. The dependent fee will be paid until your iqama expiry date is minus 90 days.

Step 1: Apply for Family Iqama

Once you have the PDF file ready,

  • log in to Absher
  • Click on the “My Services” tab.
  • Select the “Passports” option.
  • Click on the “Tawasul“.

Apply for Family Iqama

On the next screen, click on the “New Request” button.

Apply for Family Iqama - Tawasul

On this screen, select the following settings to apply for the Iqama for dependents in Saudi Arabia.

  • Sector: Resident Services inside the Kingdom.
  • Service: Add Dependent.
  • Request Description: Write the border number of all dependents. In the case of a daughter above 18 years, write in the description that she is not married.
  • Attachment: Attach the PDF file you have created before.
  • You can use an online PDF compressor to reduce its size.
  • The name of the PDF file should be one word only, without any space.

how to apply iqama for dependents

Special character not allowed: Remove all the (. ! ?, ‘ “ etc) special characters and you should be good to go.

Step 2: Print the Iqama

Finally, you will receive one message on your phone stating our request has been answered. The next step in the process of family Iqama procedure;

  • Log in to your Absher account
  • Click on the “General Services“.
  • Select “Passports“.
  • Click on the “Tawasul” service.
  • Select “Inquire for Requests.

family iqama procedure

If your request is accepted, you can visit the Jawazat office to get the print of the Iqama along with the following documents;

  • The print of the Tawasul request.
  • All the above-mentioned documents.
  • Book Jawazat Appointment with the service: Resident Services.

Correction: Check the details like name etc. on the iqama. If the name or religion etc. is wrong, then there is another counter for the correction.

family iqama procedure

Iqama for Sponsorees

After getting the job in Saudi Arabia, if your spouse and children have traveled with you without applying for a permanent family visa,

  • Children will be registered as dependents.
  • Spouse as a sponsoree.

In this case, you will have to pay an additional fee before proceeding with the Iqama issuance;

  • SR 2,000 fee for the visa issuance for dependents.
  • SR 500 as an Iqama issuance fee for the sponsored.

Pay Iqama Issuance fee

To pay the fee new Iqama issuance fee for a sponsoree using SNB bank;

  • Download the Application through PlayStore or iTunes.
  • Log in to your internet banking account.
  • Click on “SADAD“.
  • Select “Government Payments & Refunds“.
  • Biller: Alien Control.
  • Service: Issue New Iqama.
  • Enter Border Number
  • Employer ID: Iqama number of the family head.
  • Iqama duration: 12 months.
  • Job Category: Relatives (Family Visa).

Pay fee to issue a new iqama for dependents.

Fine for the late issuance of Iqama

  • There is no fee for the family Iqama or correction of information.
  • However, you must pay an SR 1,000 fine if Iqama is not processed within 3 months.

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