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If you are caught using a mobile phone with your hands while driving in Saudi Arabia, a heavy fine is imposed along with 2 black points. In this article, we have explained how the Saher cameras detect mobile usage traffic violations and if we can use a mobile phone at a traffic signal.
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The fine for using mobile while driving
The fine for using the mobile phone with your hands while driving in Saudi Arabia is SR 500 along with 2 black points.
It is worth mentioning that there is no fine for using the mobile phone with wired or wireless headphones such as Bluetooth devices.
Saher cameras to detect mobile usage
The Saudi police have installed Saher cameras on almost all the signboards above highways to detect people who have been using the mobile phone while driving.
Recently a friend of mine was caught by the Saher camera for the same offense. We downloaded the picture of the traffic violation from his Absher account where you can easily find him using the mobile.
In case you find out that it is not your car or you are not using the mobile phone in the picture, you can always create a dispute for the traffic violation.
Using the Mobile phone on a traffic signal
It is important to mention here that using the mobile phone on a red traffic signal when the vehicle is static is not considered a traffic violation. – Arab News
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