Saudi driving school computer test Q/A │Dallah

While applying for a driving license in Saudi Arabia, you will have to pass a computer test. Here are questions and answers for the Dallah driving school computer test for the Saudi driving license.

I ensure you that after going through this article, you will not have to look for another source to prepare for the computer test of the Dallah driving school required for the driving license in Saudi Arabia.

Languages for computer test

Dallah driving school offers the questions and answers of the computer test for Saudi driving license in the following languages;

  1. Arabic.
  2. English.
  3. Hindi.
  4. Urdu.
  5. Bangla.
  6. Malayalam.
  7. Some other languages.

Structure of the computer test 

There will be 35 questions in the Dallah driving school computer test out of which you will have to answer 22 correctly. You can skip questions instead of giving the wrong answer.

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  1. Section 1: 60% of questions.
  2. Section 2: 40% of the questions.

Section 1: FAQs in Dallah Driving School Computer Test

Around 60% of questions and answers of Dallah driving school computer test for the Saudi driving license are expected from Section 1.

Q1: Driving of vehicles on the roads is strictly prohibited without?

  • Obtaining a driving license.

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ2: Obtaining your driving license means?

  • Accepting the responsibility to comply with the traffic rules and regulations. 

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ3: Personal licenses are given to persons whose vehicle weight doesn’t exceed?

  • 3.5 tons.

Q4: How can people who come on a visit visa drive in Saudi Arabia?

Q&A – Speed Limits

Q5: Is it a must to comply with the speed limit under all circumstances?

  • You must not always comply, instead, you should consider the road condition, weather condition, and surrounding circumstances.

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ6: What is the maximum speed of small vehicles inside towns (urban zone)?

  • 80 km/h.

Q7: If there is no plate indicating the limit of speed on a road inside towns, what the driver should do?

  • Don’t exceed 80 km/h.

Q8: What is the maximum speed of trucks inside towns (urban zone)?

  • 50 k.m. per hour.

Q9: What is the maximum speed of trucks outside towns (rural zone)?

  • 100 k.m. per hour.

Q10: What is the maximum speed of small vehicles outside towns (rural zone)?

  • 120 k.m. per hour.

Q11: The faster the speed;

  • The less control you will have over the vehicle.

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ12: What is the main reason for deaths in traffic accidents?

  • High speed.

Q13: The safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you is based on?

  • The speed by which you drive your car.

Q14: The most fatal and common traffic violation in Saudi Arabia are;

  • Excessing speed and running the red traffic signal.

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ15: How many points for exceeding the speed limit by more than 25 kph?

  • 6 points + SR 500 fine.

Q16: How many points for driving at a check post with more than 25 kph speed?

Q&A – Overtaking

Q17: What does the driver do to switch between tracks?

  • Using indicators to let others know this.

Q18: What is the blind area?

  • The area which cannot be seen without moving one’s head.

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ19: What does the existence of two solid lines in the middle of the road mean?

  • Overtaking is not allowed.

Q20: A white continuous line with a broken line at the other side indicates?

  • Overtaking is allowed for incoming vehicles in the reverse direction.

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ21: Why is overtaking prohibited in heights and bends?

  • The opposite direction is not visible.

Q22: When entering a roundabout, who has the priority?

  • The traffic in the roundabout

Q23: A driver approaches the intersection of a railway vehicle, when overtaking the front car is prohibited?

  • When it is far from the intersection with a distance of 30 m.

Q24: Who has the priority of overtaking?

  • One who drives in the left lane.

Q25: What forces push the vehicle away from the curve?

  • Centrifugal force.

Q26: What is the purpose of entries and exits of highways?

  • Giving the opportunity to the drivers to adjust their speed according to the traffic.

Q27: When exiting from the highway, it is preferable to;

  • Reduce speed.

Q28: When entering the highway it is preferable to?

  • Increase the speed.

Q29: How many points for maneuvering at high speed between vehicles?

  • 8 points + SR 500 fine.

Q30: How many points for failure to give way to the driver who has the right?

  • 6 points.

Q31: How many points for not complying with traffic regulations at road intersections?

  • 6 points + SR 300 fine.

Q32: How many points for overtaking vehicles in curves and uphill(s)?

  • 6 points + SR 500 fine.

Q&A – Seat/Safety Belt

Q33: Is it necessary to use a seat belt?

  • Always.

Q34: Do children less than 10 years need fixed chairs with seat belts?

  • Yes, both.

Q35: Where is the seat belt fixed?

  • Chest and Stomach.

Q36: Saudi Traffic rules require both the driver and passengers to use the seat belt?

  • All the roads.

saudi arabia driving test questions and answersQ37: The seat belt helps to?

  • Reduce potential injuries and severe damage in accidents.

Q38: To what extent a pregnant woman needs a seat belt?

  • Very necessary.

Q39: The seat belt is compulsory for?

  • Both Driver and Passenger.

Q40: How many points for driving a vehicle without a seatbelt?

  • 2 points + SR 150 fine.

Q&A – Traffic Violation Points System

Q41: The system of points is a system to?

  • Log the driver’s traffic violations.

Q42: The driver’s license will be suspended or stopped temporarily for a particular period when his points record reaches;

  • 24 pt.

Q43: Points are deleted from the driver’s log after?

  • Passing a year without committing traffic violations.

Q44: How many points for driving under alcohol or drug influence?

Q45: How many points for Drifting?

  • 24 points + SR 20,000 fine.

Q46: How many points for driving a vehicle in the opposite direction?

  • 12 points + SR 3,000 fine.

Q47: How many points for failure to comply with the traffic police direction?

  • 8 points + SR 500 fine.

Q48: How many points for not stopping a vehicle at a stop sign?

Q49: How many points for stopping over railroads?

  • 6 points + SR 1,000 fine.

Q50: How many points for driving within lanes not intended for driving?

  • 4 points + SR 100 fine.

Q51: How many points for overtaking a school bus when they stop to board or unload?

  • 4 points + SR 3,000 fine.

Q52: How many points for uncovering, untying transported loads?

  • 4 points + SR 500 fine.

Q53: How many points for making an illegal amendment to a vehicle’s body?

  • 4 points + SR 300 fine.

Q54: How many points for Using mobile phones while driving?

  • 2 points + SR 500 fine.

Q55: How many points for riding a motorbike without a helmet?

  • 2 points + SR 1,000 fine.

Q&A – Traffic Lights

Q56: How many points for Jumping the red traffic light?

  • 12 points + SR 3,000 fine.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersQ57: How many points for driving a vehicle without brake lights?

  • 8 points + SR 500 fine.

Q58: Half an hour before the sunset the driver must do?

  • Turn on the vehicles lights.

Q59: Is it better to turn low lights on at night?

  • Yes, it is always mandatory.

Q60: When the front lights stop at night, you can do the following?

  • Drive the vehicle away from the road.

Q61: To avoid disturbing other drivers with your vehicle lights, you should;

  • Use low lights.

Q62: When you see a vehicle turning on the turning lights in front of you, you should;

  • Reduce driving speed.

Q&A – Traffic Accidents

Q63: When you see emergency vehicles on the highway you should;

  • Give it the way.

Q64: To stop external bleeding for accident injured, you can do the following;

  • Press the place of bleeding hard.

Q65: Crowding around accidents or disasters might be;

  • An obstacle to aid and rescue operations and a cause of traffic accidents.

Q66: If you are the first person to reach the accident site, you should:

  • Stop your vehicle outside the road after passing the accident site.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersQ67: The penalty of those who cause or share to cause a traffic accident under the effect of drugs is;

  • Suspension of license and applying the legal rules.

Q68: What to do when you see injured persons in a car?

  • Do not remove them unless the car is burning.

Q69: Most of the running over accidents affecting pedestrians occur at sunset or during the night because of;

  • Low visibility.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersQ70: Saudi Traffic Rules require every driver to have?

  • A Third-Party or Comprehensive Insurance.

Q71: Insurance plays a role in?

  • Settling the disputes between accident parties by providing a financial guarantee to pay for damages.

Q&A – Tires

Q72: There are three categories (A, B and C) for tires, the most appropriate category is?

  • A then B.

Q73: Among the issue, you confirm when replacing tires are the Production date, and it has a symbol.

  • 3 digits.

Q74: When a tire explodes, it is preferable to;

  • Reduce the speed gradually and control the steering wheel until the vehicle stops.

Q75: Using brakes in bends may cause;

  • The vehicle to slide or turn over.

dallah driving school computer test question answersQ&A – Safe Driving

Q76: The safety triangle is;

  • An emergency requirement.

safety triangle in the carQ77: If you had to stop your vehicle on a side of a one-way road for an emergency, you should place the safety triangle with a distance of?

  • 100 meters.

Q78: The fire extinguisher is a safety requirement in?

  • All vehicles.

Q79: Who is a defensive driver?

  • The driver who has a positive attitude towards driving.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersQ80: Parking in places specified for handicapped people is;

  • Forbidden.

Q81: The majority of traffic accidents which occur adjacent to schools are;

  • Running over.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersQ82: When the driver sees a stopping school bus for children getting on or off, he should;

  • Stop until the bus goes.

Q83: Blind people can be recognized on the roads?

  • Holding a white stick in his hand.

Q84: When crossing a working area, you should;

  • Reduce speed and be cautious.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersQ85: In the case of vehicle sliding, the driver should push the brake as a first action?

  • Wrong.

Q86: If your vehicle is equipped with an ABS device, and you had to use the brake, should you push powerfully and continuously to reduce the speed?

  • Always correct.

Q87: Is there no difference between original and commercial spare parts?

  • Wrong.

Q88: When you see camels crossing the road, you should;

  • Slow down your vehicle speed and wait till the camels cross the whole section of the road.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersQ89: If a medicine is taken for headache, nasal congestion, influenza, it will affect;

  • Driver focus and skills.

Q90: What to do when the steering wheels break down?

  • Hold the steering wheel with both hands hard.

Q91: What does it mean to commit a traffic violation?

  • Paying fine and adding black points to the driver’s log.

Q92: When you feel tired or sleepy, what is it advisable to do?

  • Stop on the side of the road and take some sleep and rest.

dallah driving school computer test questions answersSection 2: Recognizing Road Signs

Around 40% of questions and answers of the Dallah driving school computer test for the Saudi driving license are expected from Section 2. The questions will be asked in the following way;

Section 2 of Dallah Driving Computer TestWarning Signs on Roads

Warning Signs on Roads

Warning Signs on Roads

Warning Signs on Roads

Regulatory Signs on Roads

Regulatory Signs on Roads

Regulatory Signs on Roads

Regulatory Signs on Roads

Guide Signs on Roads

Guide Signs on Roads

Guide Signs on Roads

Work Zone Signs on Roads

Download Useful Content

While preparing for questions and answers to the Dallah driving school computer test for the Saudi driving license, you can also take help from the following sources.

If you purchase this KSA Dallah app, there will be 15 mock tests and 15 signs tests. I purchased this app for SAR 11 for 3 months.

  • Dallah Driving School E-Book in PDF format.

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