What is the fine for crossing red traffic signal camera?

As we know that the KSA government has installed Saher cameras on every second traffic signal to impose heavy fines on those who beat the red light in Saudi Arabia.

Traffic Signal Camera Fine

Beating or crossing a red traffic signal with or without a camera in Saudi Arabia used to be treated as a Category I violation with a fine of  SR 500 to SR 900. However, now they have increased the amount of penalty on it.

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  1. The fine for crossing a red traffic signal with or without a camera in KSA is SR 3,000 for the first time along with 12 traffic violation points.
  2. The fine for beating a red light will increase to SR 6,000 for repeated violations.
  3. The repeated violations may also result in the seizure of the vehicle. Recommended: How to check Saudi traffic violation fine details?

traffic signal camera fine

Crossing Yellow Signal light

Before a traffic signal turns red, it blinks for a few seconds in Saudi Arabia. The purpose of the yellow signal on the traffic light is to warn drivers to stay alert. 

The good news is that there is no fine for crossing a yellow signal in KSA. If you have received a fine for jumping a yellow signal, you can dispute the traffic violation.

Taking a right turn on a red light

You might have seen Saher cameras flashing sometimes when people try to take a right turn on a red signal. The main reason is that they don’t know how to take a right turn on a red signal. If you follow these 5 rules, you will never get a red signal violation.

  1. Extreme Right Lane

Keep your vehicle on the extreme right side of the road if you want to take a Right turn at Red Light with Saher Cameras in Saudi Arabia. Keep it as much right as possible.

If part of your car is in the middle lane while taking a right turn, the Saher camera will flash and take a picture of violating a red signal.

take a right turn on a red light

  1. Right Indicator

Keep the right indicator on while taking a Right turn on Red Light with Saher Cameras in Saudi Arabia. If you don’t switch it ON and Saher Camera flashes, you will be subject to a fine for not turning it on.

  1. Stop the Vehicle

Stop the vehicle before taking the right turn on Red Light with Saher Cameras and after that move slowly. If you do not stop your vehicle fully, it will be treated as a traffic violation and you will be fined for beating a traffic signal.

avoid beating the red light in saudi arabia

  1. Speed

Your speed at the time of taking the right turn on Red Light with Saher Cameras should not be more than 15 Km / Hour.

take a right turn to avoid traffic signal camera fine

  1. Designated route

You are not allowed to take the right turn at the red light if there is a designated route for taking a right turn. You must have observed a separate sideway route on traffic signals for the people who want to take the right turn.  

If this route is available on a traffic signal, you are prohibited to take the right turn from that signal.

Can you cross the red light if an ambulance is behind you?

In case an emergency vehicle is behind you in Saudi Arabia, and the signal is red Do Not beat the red light as it can cause damage to others and the emergency vehicle might as well get into a traffic accident.

Many people have a misconception that you are allowed to cross red light if an ambulance or another emergency vehicle is behind you. In fact, you should do this;

  1. On main roads and highways

  • Move towards the right to give them away
  • In case you cannot move due to high traffic load and congested road, they shall switch to the road shoulder.

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  1. On internal roads

Give them the way by moving towards the left or right.

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  1. At intersections

Give way by moving to either side. If the signal is red, move to either way to allow them to cross the signal. Do not cross the signal.

Motorists on a green signal from where the emergency vehicle is to move shall stop and give way to the emergency vehicle.

do not beat the red light for ambulance

  1. At roundabouts

If you see an emergency vehicle at the roundabout or it is approaching it, do not use the roundabout. If you are on the roundabout, exit it and move towards the right.

Using a Mobile phone on a traffic signal

Is using the Mobile Phone on a Traffic Signal during red light considered a traffic violation? This question was asked from the Saudi Traffic Police on their twitter account.

Finally, KSA Traffic Police replied to that tweet and clarified that using a mobile phone on the traffic signal during the time of red light does not constitute a traffic signal camera fine. So, you can use your mobile with ease now.

Using a Mobile phone on a traffic signal

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