13 Places of Holy Kaaba to know

Holy Kaaba is the Qibla of all Muslims located in the center of the Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah. All Muslims from all over the world come here to perform Hajj and Umrah.

Here is everything to know about the holiest place in the world. Each numbered detail in the following list relates to features noted in the above image.

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13 Sights of Holy Kaaba to know

  1. Hajr e Aswad

The Hajr e Aswad affixed on the eastern corner of the Holy Kaaba is also called the black stone. It was fixed in one piece into the wall of the Holy Kaaba by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, in the year 605 A.D.

It is the stone that was brought from Jannah. Tawaf starting and ending point is Hajr-e-Aswad.  Hajr-e-Aswad was white in color when came down from Paradise, but the sins of the world turned it black.

Hajr e Aswad of the Holy Kaaba

  1. Door of the Holy Kaaba

A golden door is at the right wall of the Holy Kaaba 7 feet above the ground which is also called the Bab-e-Tauba. 

Bab e Tauba of the Holy Kaaba was made of silver in 1942 but later on, it is replaced with a 300 kg gold door made by chief architect Ahmad bin Ibrahim Badr In 1979.

Door of the Holy Kaaba

  1. Meezab-al-Rahmah

It is a rainwater spout between Rukn Iraqi and Rukn Shami made of gold. It is included in the sketch of the Holy Kaaba while rebuilding in 1627 because the rain in 1626 caused three of the four walls to collapse.

It is the water spout of the Holy Kaaba extended from the roof into the Hateem. In 1627, a gutter is also added to protect the foundation and base from underground water.


  1. Al-Shadhrawan

Al-Shadhrawan is the white marble in which the brown marble pieces are inserted having the Mubarak teaching how to do Wudhu and the Prayer. Al-Shadhrawan is the remaining part of the foundation of the wall of the Holy Kaaba.


  1. Hijr Ismail or Hateem

Hateem is a semi-circular or half-circle-shaped wall that was initially part of the Holy Kaaba.

It is a holy place to ask for forgiveness. It is said that it is the place where Prophet Adam عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ was forgiven by Allah for his sins.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Pray in al-Hijr when you intend to enter the Holy Kaaba, for it is a part of the House (the Ka’bah) – Sunan Abi Dawud 2028

Hijr Ismail or Hateem

  1. Al-Multazam

Al Multazam is approximately a two-meter area along the wall between the Hajr Aswad and the door of the Holy Kaaba.  It is sometimes considered holy or desirable for pilgrims to touch Al-Multazam confess their sins and perform dua for forgiveness. 


  1. Maqam-e-Ibrahim

Maqam-e-Ibrahim is a large stone on which Prophet Ibrahim عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ stood while he was constructing the upper walls of the Holy Kaaba.

It is a stone sent from the heavens by Allah. It used to move up and down according to the instructions of Prophet Ibrahim عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ. 


  1. Black stone corner

The black stone corner is the most significant corner among the four corners of the Holy Kaaba as Tawaf starts from here. It is the corner where Hajr e Aswad is affixed.

Black Stone Corner of Holy Kaaba

  1. Rukn-al-Yamani

One of the four corners of the Holy Kaaba which is located on the southwest is called Ruk al Yamani. It is named Rukn-al-Yamani because it faces the countryside of Yemen.

Regarding the virtue of touching this Corner, it is said that Touching the Hajr e Aswad and the Yemeni Corner is Sunnah. Do you know there is a crack on Rukn Yamani?

  1. Syrian corner

One of the four corners of the Holy Kaab located on the west side is called as Rukn-al-Gharbi or rukn al Shami.  The Syrian corner of the Holy Kaaba comes after Hateem. 

  1. Iraqi corner

This is the corner that comes after the Holy Kaaba’s door before one reaches Hijr Ismail. This corner is named as Iraqi Corner because it faces toward Iraq southeast.

Iraqi corner of the Holy Kaaba

  1. Kiswah

The Holy Kaaba is covered by a cloth called Kiswah. It changes every year on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah. After removing this cover, it is cut into small pieces and gifted to foreign Muslim dignitaries and governments.

There are 99 names of Allah, Kalima, and the Verses of the Holy Quran in embroidery. 


  1. Brown marble lines

The brown Marble strip is the marking line of the beginning and end of each circumambulation.

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