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Now you can check the available funds under Iqama through “public query available funds” on your Absher account. There are two ways to check for it;
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Public Query Available funds
If you want to check available funds under any Iqama holder in Saudi Arabia;
- Log in to your Absher account
- Search “Public Query Available Funds” in the box.
- Identity Number: Iqama Number.
- Write Image Code.
- The system will show you the available funds under Iqama.
Query Available funds
In case you want to check the available funds under your Iqama;
- Log in to your Absher account
- Select “My Services“.
- Click on the “Inquiries” button.
- Select “General Services” from the given options.
- Click on the “Query Available Funds“.
The system will show you the available funds under your Iqama.
What is a sponsorees Deposit?
The following fee appears under the sponsorees deposit;
- The fee paid for the Iqama of parents or siblings who are your dependents.
- The fee paid for the Iqama of domestic workers.
What is a Vehicles Deposit?
The following fee appears under the vehicle’s deposit;
- Istimara Renewal Fee.
- The fee to replace a number plate.
- The fee to transfer car ownership.
What is a Driving License Deposit?
The following fee appears under the driving license deposit;
What is a Passport Deposit in Absher?
If you see available funds under your Iqama in the passport deposits category in Absher, it means that the fee is paid for either of the following;
- Iqama Issuance Fee.
- Iqama Renewal Fee.
- Issue Exit Reentry Visa.
- Dependent Fee.
What is a Labour Deposit?
The following fee appears under the labor deposit;
- Permanent Family Visa fee.
- The fee to issue visas for domestic workers.
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